Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy for simultaneous measurement of optical constants, and material thickness with deep-subwavelength precision

Nicolas S. Beermann; Andreas Gebauer; Savio Fabretti; Wentao Zhang; Tomoki Hiraoka; Alexander W. Achtstein; Hassan A. Hafez; Dmitry Turchinovich

Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy for simultaneous measurement of optical constants, and material thickness with deep-subwavelength precision Journal Article

Optics Express, 33 , pp. 8650-8660, 2025.

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Efficient spintronic THz emitters without external magnetic field

Amir Khan; Nicolas Sylvester Beermann; Shalini Sharma; Tiago de Oliveira Schneider; Wentao Zhang; Dmitry Turchinovich; Markus Meinert

Efficient spintronic THz emitters without external magnetic field Journal Article

Appl. Phys. Lett. , 126 (032403), 2025.

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Fundamental Picture of the Conduction Mechanism in Solid-State Polymer Electrolytes Revealed by Terahertz Spectroscopy

Johanna Weidelt; Jijeesh Ravi Nair; Diddo Diddens; Wentao Zhang; Felix Pfeiffer; Tiago de Oliveira Schneider; Markus Meinert; Tomoki Hiraoka; Linda Nesterov; Masoud Baghernejad; Dmitry Turchinovich; Hassan A. Hafez

Fundamental Picture of the Conduction Mechanism in Solid-State Polymer Electrolytes Revealed by Terahertz Spectroscopy Journal Article

J. Phys.Chem.C, 128 , pp. 6868, 2024.

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Electronic transparency of internal interfaces in metallic nanostructures comprising light, heavy and ferromagnetic metals measured by terahertz spectroscopy

Nicolas S Beermann; Savio Fabretti; Hassan A Hafez; Maria-Andromachi Syskaki; Iryna Kononenko; Gerhard Jakob; Mathias Kläui; Dmitry Turchinovich

Electronic transparency of internal interfaces in metallic nanostructures comprising light, heavy and ferromagnetic metals measured by terahertz spectroscopy Journal Article

Nanophotonics, 31 , pp. 1883, 2024.

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Efficient terahertz optical filtering with large-area all-metal and polymer-metal woven wire meshes

Simon Rossel; Wentao Zhang; Hassan A Hafez; Savio Fabretti; Dmitry Turchinovich

Efficient terahertz optical filtering with large-area all-metal and polymer-metal woven wire meshes Journal Article

Opt. Express, 31 , pp. 19076, 2023.

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Post-2000 nonlinear optical materials and measurements: Data tables and best practices

Nathalie Vermeulen; Daniel Espinosa; Adam Ball; John M Ballato; Phillippe Boucaud; Georges Boudebs; Cecília L A V Campos; Peter D Dragic; Anderson Gomes; Mikko J Huttunen; Nathaniel Kinsey; R P Mildren; Dragomir Neshev; Lázaro Padilha; Minhao Pu; Ray Secondo; Eiji Tokunaga; Dmitry Turchinovich; Jingshi Yan; Kresten Yvind; Ksenia Dolgaleva; E van Stryland

Post-2000 nonlinear optical materials and measurements: Data tables and best practices Journal Article

J. Phys. Photonics, 5 , pp. 035001, 2023.

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The 2023 Terahertz Science and Technology Roadmap

Alfred Leitenstorfer; Andrey S. Moskalenko; Tobias Kampfrath; Junichiro Kono; Enrique Castro-Camus; Kun Peng; Naser Qureshi; Dmitry Turchinovich; Koichiro Tanaka; Andrea Markelz; Martina Havenith; Cameron Hough; Hannah J Joyce; Willie Padilla; Binbin Zhou; Ki-Yong Kim; Xi-Cheng Zhang; Peter Uhd Jepsen; Sukhdeep Dhillon; Miriam Serena Vitiello; Edmund H Linfield; Alexander Giles Davies; Matthias Hoffmann; Roger Lewis; Masayoshi Tonouchi; Pernille Klarskov; Tom Seifert; Yaroslav Gerasimenko; Dragan D Mihailovic; Rupert Huber; Jessica Boland; Oleg Mitrofanov; Paul Dean; Brian Ellison; Peter Huggard; Simon Rea; Christopher Walker; David Leisawitz; Jian Rong Gao; Chong Li; Qin Chen; Gintaras Valusis; Vincent Patrick Wallace; Emma MacPherson; Xiaobang Shang; Jeffrey Hesler; Nick Ridler; Cyril Renaud; Ingmar Kallfass; Tadao Nagatsuma; Axel Zeitler; Don Arnone; Michael Johnston; John Cunningham

The 2023 Terahertz Science and Technology Roadmap Journal Article

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 56 , pp. 2230001, 2023.

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Disentangling complex current pathways in a metallic Ru/Co bilayer nanostructure using THz spectroscopy

Nicolas S Beermann; Savio Fabretti; Karsten Rott; Hassan A Hafez; Günter Reiss; Dmitry Turchinovich

Disentangling complex current pathways in a metallic Ru/Co bilayer nanostructure using THz spectroscopy Journal Article

Appl. Phys. Lett., 121 , pp. 203101, 2022.

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Plasmonic Terahertz Nonlinearity in Graphene Disks

Jeong Woo Han; Matthew L Chin; Sebastian Matschy; Jayaprakash Poojali; Angelika Seidl; Stephan Winnerl; Hassan A Hafez; Dmitry Turchinovich; Gagan Kumar; Rachael L Myers-Ward; Matthew T Dejarld; Kevin M Daniels; Howard Dennis Drew; Thomas E Murphy; Martin Mittendorff

Plasmonic Terahertz Nonlinearity in Graphene Disks Journal Article

Adv. Photonics Res., 3 , pp. 2100218, 2021.

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Terahertz signatures of ultrafast Dirac fermion relaxation at the surface of topological insulators

S Kovalev; K -J Tielrooij; J -C Deinert; I Ilyakov; N Awari; M Chen; A Ponomaryov; M Bawatna; T V A G de Oliveira; L M Eng; K A Kuznetsov; D A Safronenkov; Kh. G Kitaeva; P I Kuznetsov; H A Hafez; D Turchinovich; M Gensch

Terahertz signatures of ultrafast Dirac fermion relaxation at the surface of topological insulators Journal Article

npj Quantum Mater., 6 , pp. 84, 2021.

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Rigorous signal reconstruction in terahertz emission spectroscopy

W Zhang; D Turchinovich

Rigorous signal reconstruction in terahertz emission spectroscopy Journal Article

Opt. Express, 15 , pp. 24411, 2021.

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Ultrastrong magnon–magnon coupling dominated by antiresonant interactions

T Makihara; K Hayashida; Noe G T II; X Li; N M Peraca; X Ma; Z Jin; W Ren; G Ma; I Katayama; J Takeda; H Nojiri; D Turchinovich; S Cao; M Bamba; J Kono

Ultrastrong magnon–magnon coupling dominated by antiresonant interactions Journal Article

Nature Communications, 12 , pp. 3315, 2021.

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Ultrafast terahertz nanoseismology of GaInN/GaN multiple quantum wells

A Mannan; F Renee; G Bagsican; K Yamahara; I Kawayama; H Murakami; H Bremers; U Rossow; A Hangleiter; D Turchinovich; M Tonouchi

Ultrafast terahertz nanoseismology of GaInN/GaN multiple quantum wells Journal Article

Adv. Optical Mater., pp. 2100258, 2021.

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Electrical tunability of terahertz nonlinearity in graphene

S Kovalev; H A Hafez; K -J Tielrooij; J -C Deinert; I Ilyakov; N Awari; Alcaraz D Iranzo; K Soundarapandian; D Saleta; S Germanskiy; M Chen; M Bawatna; B Green; F H L Koppens; M Mittendorff; M Bonn; M Gensch; D Turchinovich

Electrical tunability of terahertz nonlinearity in graphene Journal Article

Science Advances, 7 , pp. eabf9809, 2021.

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Observation of strong magneto plasmonic nonlinearity in bilayer graphene discs

M Chin; S Matschy; Stawitzkiand F J Poojali; H A Hafez; D Turchinovich; S Winnerl; G Kumar; R Myers-Ward; M Dejarld; K Daniels; H D Drew; T Murphy; M Mittendorff

Observation of strong magneto plasmonic nonlinearity in bilayer graphene discs Journal Article

J. Phys. Photon., 3 , pp. 01LT01, 2021.

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Grating-Graphene Metamaterial as a Platform for Terahertz Nonlinear Photonics

J -C Deinert; Alcaraz D Iranzo; R Pérez; X Jia; H A Hafez; I Ilyakov; N Awari; M Chen; M Bawatna; A N Ponomaryov; S Germanskiy; M Bonn; F H L Koppens; D Turchinovich; M Gensch; S Kovalev; K -J Tielrooij

Grating-Graphene Metamaterial as a Platform for Terahertz Nonlinear Photonics Journal Article

ACS Nano, 15 , pp. 1145, 2021.

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Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry

W Zhang; P Maldonado; Z Jin; T S Seifert; J Arabski; G Schmerber; E Beaurepaire; M Bonn; T Kampfrath; P M Oppeneer; D Turchinovich

Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry Journal Article

Nature Commun., 11 , pp. 4247, 2020.

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Mid-infrared, long-wave infrared, and terahertz photonics: introduction

R K Jain; A J Hoffman; P U Jepsen; P Q Liu; D Turchinovich; M S Vitiello

Mid-infrared, long-wave infrared, and terahertz photonics: introduction Journal Article

Opt. Express, 28 , pp. 14169, 2020.

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Thickness-dependent electron momentum relaxation times in iron films

K L Krewer; W Zhang; J Arabski; G Schreiber; E Beaurepaire; M Bonn; D Turchinovich

Thickness-dependent electron momentum relaxation times in iron films Journal Article

Appl. Phys. Lett., 116 , pp. 102406, 2020.

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Terahertz Nonlinear Optics of Graphene: From Saturable Absorption to High-Harmonics Generation

H A Hafez; S Kovalev; K -J Tielrooij; M Bonn; M Gensch; D Turchinovich

Terahertz Nonlinear Optics of Graphene: From Saturable Absorption to High-Harmonics Generation Journal Article

Adv. Optical Mater., 8 , pp. 1900771, 2020.

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Dynamical Control over Terahertz Electromagnetic Interference Shielding with 2D Ti3C2TyMXene by Ultrafast Optical Pulses

G Li; N Amer; H A Hafez; S Huang; D Turchinovich; V N Mochalin; F A Hegmann; L V Titova

Dynamical Control over Terahertz Electromagnetic Interference Shielding with 2D Ti3C2TyMXene by Ultrafast Optical Pulses Journal Article

Nano. Lett., 20 , pp. 636, 2019.

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Extremely efficient terahertz high-harmonic generation in graphene by hot Dirac fermions

H A Hafez; S Kovalev; J -C Deinert; Z Mics; B Green; N Awari; M Chen; S Germanskiy; U Lehnert; J Teichert; Z Wang; K -J Tielrooij; Z Liu; Z Chen; A Narita; K Müllen; M Bonn; M Gensch; D.Turchinovich

Extremely efficient terahertz high-harmonic generation in graphene by hot Dirac fermions Journal Article

Nature, 561 , pp. 507, 2018.

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Observation of Dicke cooperativity in magnetic interactions

X Li; M Bamba; N Yuan; Q Zhang; Y Zhao; M Xiang; K Xu; Z Jin; W Ren; G Ma; S Cao; D Turchinovich; J Kono

Observation of Dicke cooperativity in magnetic interactions Journal Article

Science, 361 , pp. 794, 2018.

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The ultrafast dynamics and conductivity of photoexcited graphene at different Fermi energies

A Tomadin; S M Hornett; H.I.Wang; E.M.Alexeev; A Candini; C Coletti; D.Turchinovich; M Kläui; M Bonn; F H L Koppens; E Hendry; M Pollini; K -J Tielrooij

The ultrafast dynamics and conductivity of photoexcited graphene at different Fermi energies Journal Article

Science Advances, 4 , pp. eaar5313, 2018.

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Coupling between intra- and intermolecular motions in liquid water revealed by two-dimensional terahertz-infrared-visible spectroscopy

M Grechko; T Hasegawa; F D'Angelo; H Ito; D Turchinovich; Y Nagata; M Bonn

Coupling between intra- and intermolecular motions in liquid water revealed by two-dimensional terahertz-infrared-visible spectroscopy Journal Article

Nature Communications, 9 , pp. 885, 2018.

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Selective THz control of magnetic order: new opportunities from superradiant undulator sources

S Kovalev; Z Wang; J -C Deinert; N Awari; M Chen; B Green; S Germanskiy; T V A G de Oliveira; J S Lee; A Deac; D Turchinovich; N Stojanovic; S Eisebitt; I Radu; S Bonetti; T Kampfrath; M Gensch

Selective THz control of magnetic order: new opportunities from superradiant undulator sources Journal Article

J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys., 51 , pp. 114007, 2018.

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Accurate terahertz spectroscopy of supported thin films by precise substrate thickness correction

K Krewer; Z Mics; J Arabski; G Schmerber; E Beaurepaire; M Bonn; D Turchinovich

Accurate terahertz spectroscopy of supported thin films by precise substrate thickness correction Journal Article

Opt. Lett., 43 , pp. 447, 2018.

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Out-of-plane heat transfer in van der Waals stacks through electron-hyperbolic phonon coupling

K -J Tielrooij; N C H Hesp; A Prinzipi; M B Lundeberg; E A A Pogna; L Banszerus; Z Mics; M Massicotte; P Schmidt; D Davydovskaya; D G Purdie; I Goykhman; G Soavi; A Lombardo; K Watanabe; T Taniguchi; M Bonn; D Turchinovich; C Stampfer; A C Ferrari; G Cerullo; M Pollini; F H L Koppens

Out-of-plane heat transfer in van der Waals stacks through electron-hyperbolic phonon coupling Journal Article

Nature Nanotechnology, 13 , pp. 41, 2018.

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Nonlinearity-tailored fiber laser technology for low-noise, ultra-wideband tunable femtosecond light generation

X Liu; J Lægsgaard; R Iegorov; A S Svane; F Ö Ilday; H Tu; S A Boppart; D Turchinovich

Nonlinearity-tailored fiber laser technology for low-noise, ultra-wideband tunable femtosecond light generation Journal Article

Photonics Research, 6 , pp. 750, 2017.

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Direct observation of mode-specific phonon-band gap coupling in methylammonium lead halide perovskites

H Kim; J Hunger; E Cánovas; M Karakus; Z Mics; M Grechko; D Turchinovich; S H Parekh; M Bonn

Direct observation of mode-specific phonon-band gap coupling in methylammonium lead halide perovskites Journal Article

Nature Communications, 8 , pp. 687, 2017.

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Large area conductive nanoaperture arrays with strong optical resonances and spectrally flat terahertz transmission

K Krewer; K Jiang; K Bley; Z Mics; Z Jin; C K Weiss; K Landfester; H J Elmers; M Bonn; D Turchinovich

Large area conductive nanoaperture arrays with strong optical resonances and spectrally flat terahertz transmission Journal Article

Appl. Phys. Lett., 111 , pp. 021107, 2017.

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Photoswitchable micro-supercapacitor based on a diarylethene-graphene composite film

Z Liu; H I Wang; A Narita; Q Chen; Z Mics; D Turchinovich; M Kläui; M Bonn; K Müllen

Photoswitchable micro-supercapacitor based on a diarylethene-graphene composite film Journal Article

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139 , pp. 9443, 2017.

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Femtosecond-timescale buildup of electron mobility in GaAs observed via ultrabroadband transient terahertz spectroscopy

D Turchinovich; F D'Angelo; M Bonn

Femtosecond-timescale buildup of electron mobility in GaAs observed via ultrabroadband transient terahertz spectroscopy Journal Article

Appl. Phys. Lett., 110 , pp. 121102, 2017.

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Ultra-Narrow Low-Bandgap Graphene Nanoribbons from Bromoperylenes - Synthesis and Terahertz-Spectroscopy

D Jänsch; I Ivanov; Y Zagranyarski; I Duznovic; M Baumgarten; D Turchinovich; M Bonn; K Müllen

Ultra-Narrow Low-Bandgap Graphene Nanoribbons from Bromoperylenes - Synthesis and Terahertz-Spectroscopy Journal Article

Chemistry - A European Journal, 23 , pp. 4870, 2017.

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Role of edge engineering in photoconductiviy of graphene nano-ribbons

I Ivanov; Y Hu; S Osella; U Beser; H Wang; D Beljonne; A Narita; K Müllen; D Turchinovich; M Bonn

Role of edge engineering in photoconductiviy of graphene nano-ribbons Journal Article

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139 , pp. 7982, 2017.

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Chemical vapor deposition synthesis and terahertz photoconductivity of low-bandgap N = 9 armchair graphene nanoribbons

Z Chen; H I Wang; J Teyssandier; K S Mali; T Dumslaff; I Ivanov; W Zhang; P Ruffieux; R Fasel; H J Räder; D Turchinovich; De S Feyter; X Feng; M Kläui; A Narita; M Bonn; K Müllen

Chemical vapor deposition synthesis and terahertz photoconductivity of low-bandgap N = 9 armchair graphene nanoribbons Journal Article

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139 , pp. 3635, 2017.

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Reversible photochemical control of doping levels in supported graphene

H I Wang; M -L Braatz; N Richter; K -J Tielrooij; Z Mics; H Lu; N -E Weber; K Müllen; D Turchinovich; M Kläui; M Bonn

Reversible photochemical control of doping levels in supported graphene Journal Article

J. Phys. Chem. C, 121 , pp. 4083, 2017.

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Efficient metallic spintronic emitters of ultrabroadband terahertz radiation

T Seifert; S Jaiswal; U Martens; J Hannegan; L Braun; P Maldonado; F Freimuth; A Kronenberg; J Henrizi; I Radu; F Freimuth; E Beaurepaire; Y Mokrousov; P M Oppeneer; M Jourdan; G Jakob; D Turchinovich; L M Hayden; M Wolf; M Münzenberg; M Kläui

Efficient metallic spintronic emitters of ultrabroadband terahertz radiation Journal Article

Nature Photonics, 10 , pp. 483, 2016.

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Stain-free histopathology by programmable supercontinuum pulses

H Tu; Y Liu; D Turchinovich; M Marjanovic; J Lyngsø; J Lægsgaard; E J Chaney; Y Zhao; S You; W L Wilson; B Xu; M Dantus; S A Boppart

Stain-free histopathology by programmable supercontinuum pulses Journal Article

Nature Photonics, 10 , pp. 534, 2016.

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Probing the charge separation process on In2S3/Pt-TiO2 nanocomposites for boosted visible-light photocatalytic hydrogen production

F Wang; Z Jin; Y Jiang; E H G Backus; M Bonn; S N Lou; D Turchinovich; R Amal

Probing the charge separation process on In2S3/Pt-TiO2 nanocomposites for boosted visible-light photocatalytic hydrogen production Journal Article

Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 198 , pp. 25, 2016.

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Self-referenced ultra-broadband transient terahertz spectroscopy using air-photonics

F D’Angelo; H Nemec; S H Parekh; P Kužel; M Bonn; D Turchinovich

Self-referenced ultra-broadband transient terahertz spectroscopy using air-photonics Journal Article

Optics Express, 24 , pp. 10157, 2016.

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Multiscale self-assembly of silicon quantum dots into an anisotropic three-dimensional random network

S Ilday; F Ö Ilday; R Hübner; T J Prosa; I Martin; G Nogay; I Kabacelik; Z Mics; M Bonn; D Turchinovich; H Toffoli; D Toffoli; D Friedrich; B Schmidt; K –H Heinig; R Turan

Multiscale self-assembly of silicon quantum dots into an anisotropic three-dimensional random network Journal Article

Nano. Lett., 16 , pp. 1942, 2016.

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Topical Review - Progress in Cherenkov femtosecond fiber lasers

X Liu; A Svane; J Lægsgaard; H Tu; S A Boppart; D Turchinovich

Topical Review - Progress in Cherenkov femtosecond fiber lasers Journal Article

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 49 , pp. 023001, 2016.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Efficient formation of excitons in a dense electron-hole plasma at room temperature

A Hangleiter; Z Jin; M Gerhard; D Kalincev; T Langer; H Bremers; U Rossow; M Koch; M Bonn; D Turchinovich

Efficient formation of excitons in a dense electron-hole plasma at room temperature Journal Article

Phys. Rev. B, 92 , pp. 241305, 2015.

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Phonon-electron scattering limits free charge mobility in methylammonium lead iodide perovskites

M Karakus; S A Jensen; F D'Angelo; D Turchinovich; M Bonn; E Canovas

Phonon-electron scattering limits free charge mobility in methylammonium lead iodide perovskites Journal Article

J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6 , pp. 4991, 2015.

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Perspective on terahertz spectroscopy of graphene

I Ivanov; M Bonn; Z Mics; D Turchinovich

Perspective on terahertz spectroscopy of graphene Journal Article

EPL, 111 , pp. 67001, 2015.

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Thermodynamic picture of ultrafast charge transport in graphene

Z Mics; K -J Tielrooij; K Parvez; S A Jensen; I Ivanov; X Feng; K Müllen; M Bonn; D Turchinovich

Thermodynamic picture of ultrafast charge transport in graphene Journal Article

Nature Comm., 6 , pp. 7655, 2015.

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Accessing the fundamentals of magnetotransport in metals with terahertz probes

Z Jin; A Tkach; F Casper; V Spetter; H Grimm; A Thomas; T Kampfrath; M Bonn; M Kläui; D Turchinovich

Accessing the fundamentals of magnetotransport in metals with terahertz probes Journal Article

Nature Physics, 11 , pp. 761, 2015.

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Controlled folding of graphene: GraFold printing

T Hallam; A Shakouri; E Poliani; A Rooney; I Ivanov; A Potie; H Taylor; M Bonn; D Turchinovich; S Haigh; J Maultzsch; G Duesberg

Controlled folding of graphene: GraFold printing Journal Article

Nano Lett., 15 , pp. 857, 2015.

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Ultrafast THz photoconductivity of photovoltaic polymer-fullerene blends: a comparative study correlated with photovoltaic device performance

Z Jin; D Gehrig; C Dyer-Smith; E J Heilweil; F Laquai; M Bonn; D Turchinovich

Ultrafast THz photoconductivity of photovoltaic polymer-fullerene blends: a comparative study correlated with photovoltaic device performance Journal Article

J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5 , pp. 3662, 2014.

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Competing ultrafast energy relaxation pathways in photoexcited graphene

S A Jensen; Z Mics; I Ivanov; H S Varol; D Turchinovich; F H L Koppens; M Bonn; K J Tielrooij

Competing ultrafast energy relaxation pathways in photoexcited graphene Journal Article

Nano Lett., 14 , pp. 5839, 2014.

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Ultra-broadband THz time-domain spectroscopy of common polymers using THz air photonics

F D'Angelo; Z Mics; M Bonn; D Turchinovich

Ultra-broadband THz time-domain spectroscopy of common polymers using THz air photonics Journal Article

Opt. Express, 22 , pp. 12475, 2014.

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Ultrafast photoconductivity of graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes

S A Jensen; R Ulbricht; A Narita; X Feng; K Müllen; T Hertel; D Turchinovich; M Bonn

Ultrafast photoconductivity of graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes Journal Article

Nano Lett., 13 , pp. 5925, 2013.

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Density-dependent electron scattering in photoexcited GaAs in strongly diffusive regime

Z Mics; A D'Angio; S A Jensen; M Bonn; D Turchinovich

Density-dependent electron scattering in photoexcited GaAs in strongly diffusive regime Journal Article

Appl. Phys. Lett., 102 , pp. 231120, 2013.

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On ultrafast photoconductivity dynamics and crystallinity of black silicon

H P Porte; D Turchinovich; S Persheyev; Y Fan; M J Rose; P U Jepsen

On ultrafast photoconductivity dynamics and crystallinity of black silicon Journal Article

IEEE Trans. Terahertz Sci, Technol., 3 , pp. 331, 2013.

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Single-pulse terahertz coherent control of spin resonance in the canted antiferromagnet YFeO3, mediated by dielectric anisotropy

Z Jin; Z Mics; G Ma; Z Cheng; M Bonn; D Turchinovich

Single-pulse terahertz coherent control of spin resonance in the canted antiferromagnet YFeO3, mediated by dielectric anisotropy Journal Article

Phys. Rev. B, 87 , pp. 094422, 2013.

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Low-noise operation of all-fiber femtosecond Cherenkov laser

X Liu; G A Villanueva; J Lægsgaard; U Møller; H Tu; S A Boppart; D Turchinovich

Low-noise operation of all-fiber femtosecond Cherenkov laser Journal Article

IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 25 , pp. 892, 2013.

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All-fiber femtosecond Cherenkov radiation source

X Liu; J Lægsgaard; U Møller; H Tu; S A Boppart; D Turchinovich

All-fiber femtosecond Cherenkov radiation source Journal Article

Opt. Lett., 37 , pp. 2769, 2012.

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Self-phase modulation of a single-cycle terahertz pulse by nonlinear free-carrier response in a semiconductor

D Turchinovich; J M Hvam; M C Hoffmann

Self-phase modulation of a single-cycle terahertz pulse by nonlinear free-carrier response in a semiconductor Journal Article

Phys. Ref. B, 85 , pp. 201304, 2012.

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Monolithic highly-stable Yb-doped femtosecond fiber lasers for applications in practical biophotonics [invited]

X Liu; J Lægsgaard; D Turchinovich

Monolithic highly-stable Yb-doped femtosecond fiber lasers for applications in practical biophotonics [invited] Journal Article

IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron., 18 , pp. 1439, 2012.

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Nonlinear polarization dynamics in a weakly birefringent all-normal dispersion photonic crystal fiber: toward a practical coherent fiber supercontinuum laser

H Tu; Y Liu; X Liu; D Turchinovich; J Lægsgaard; S A Boppart

Nonlinear polarization dynamics in a weakly birefringent all-normal dispersion photonic crystal fiber: toward a practical coherent fiber supercontinuum laser Journal Article

Opt. Express, 20 , pp. 1113, 2012.

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Cross-validation of theoretically quantified fiber continuum generation and absolute pulse measurement by MIIPS for a broadband coherently controlled optical source

H Tu; Y Liu; J Lægsgaard; D Turchinovich; M Siegel; D Kopf; H Li; T Gunaratne; S A Boppart

Cross-validation of theoretically quantified fiber continuum generation and absolute pulse measurement by MIIPS for a broadband coherently controlled optical source Journal Article

Appl. Phys. B, 106 , pp. 379, 2012.

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Optimized optical rectification and electro-optic sampling in ZnTe crystals with chirped femtosecond laser pulse

D N Erschens; D Turchinovich; P U Jepsen

Optimized optical rectification and electro-optic sampling in ZnTe crystals with chirped femtosecond laser pulse Journal Article

J. Infrared, Millimeter & THz Waves, 32 , pp. 1371, 2011.

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Correlated terahertz acoustic and electromagnetic emission in dynamically screened InGaN/GaN quantum wells

P J S van Capel; D Turchinovich; H P Porte; S Lahmann; U Rossow; A Hangleiter; J I Dijkhuis

Correlated terahertz acoustic and electromagnetic emission in dynamically screened InGaN/GaN quantum wells Journal Article

Phys. Rev. B, 84 , pp. 085317, 2011.

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Compression of fiber supercontinuum pulses to the Fourier-limit in a high-numerical-aperture focus

H Tu; Y Liu; D Turchinovich; S A Boppart

Compression of fiber supercontinuum pulses to the Fourier-limit in a high-numerical-aperture focus Journal Article

Opt. Lett., 36 , pp. 2315, 2011.

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Effect of copper on the carrier lifetime in black Silicon

H P Porte; D B Turchinovich; S Persheyev; Y Fan; M J Rose; P U Jepsen

Effect of copper on the carrier lifetime in black Silicon Journal Article

J. Infrared, Millimeter & THz Waves, 32 , pp. 883, 2011.

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Terahertz electro-absorption effect enabling femtosecond all-optical switching in semiconductor quantum dots

M C Hoffmann; B S Monozon; D A Livshits; E U Rafailov; D Turchinovich

Terahertz electro-absorption effect enabling femtosecond all-optical switching in semiconductor quantum dots Journal Article

Appl. Phys. Lett., 97 , pp. 231108, 2010.

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Quantum well saturable absorber mirror with electrical control of modulation depth

X Liu; E U Rafailov; D A Livshits; D Turchinovich

Quantum well saturable absorber mirror with electrical control of modulation depth Journal Article

Appl. Phys. Lett., 97 , pp. 051103, 2010.

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Highly-stable monolithic femtosecond Yb-fiber laser system based on photonic crystal fibers

X Liu; J Lægsgaard; D Turchinovich

Highly-stable monolithic femtosecond Yb-fiber laser system based on photonic crystal fibers Journal Article

Opt. Express, 18 , pp. 15475, 2010.

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Semiconductor saturable absorbers for ultrafast terahertz signals

M C Hoffmann; D Turchinovich

Semiconductor saturable absorbers for ultrafast terahertz signals Journal Article

Appl. Phys. Lett., 96 , pp. 151110, 2010.

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Self-stabilization of a mode-locked femtosecond fiber laser using a photonic bandgap fiber

X Liu; J Lægsgaard; D Turchinovich

Self-stabilization of a mode-locked femtosecond fiber laser using a photonic bandgap fiber Journal Article

Opt. Lett., 35 , pp. 913, 2010.

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Ultrafast release and capture of carriers in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots observed by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy

H P Porte; Uhd P Jepsen; N Daghestani; E U Rafailov; D Turchinovich

Ultrafast release and capture of carriers in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots observed by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy Journal Article

Appl. Phys. Lett., 94 , pp. 262104, 2009.

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A tunable polarization maintaining filter based on a liquid crystal photonic bandgap fibre

L Scolari; C B T Olausson; J Weirich; D Turchinovich; T T Alkeskjold; A Bjarklev; L Eskildsen

A tunable polarization maintaining filter based on a liquid crystal photonic bandgap fibre Journal Article

Electron. Lett., 44 , pp. 1189, 2008, ISSN: 1350-911X.

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Monolithic all-PM femtosecond Yb-fiber laser stabilized with a narrow-band fiber Bragg grating and pulse-compressed in a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber

D Turchinovich; X Liu; J Lægsgaard

Monolithic all-PM femtosecond Yb-fiber laser stabilized with a narrow-band fiber Bragg grating and pulse-compressed in a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber Journal Article

Opt. Express, 16 , pp. 14004, 2008.

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Low-loss polarization-maintaining fusion splicing of single-mode fibers and hollow-core photonic crystal fibers, relevant for monolithic fiber laser pulse compression

J T Kristensen; A Houmann; X Liu; D Turchinovich

Low-loss polarization-maintaining fusion splicing of single-mode fibers and hollow-core photonic crystal fibers, relevant for monolithic fiber laser pulse compression Journal Article

Opt. Express, 16 , pp. 9986, 2008.

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Performance of combined <100>-<110> ZnTe crystals in an amplified THz time-domain spectrometer

D Turchinovich; J I Dijkhuis

Performance of combined <100>-<110> ZnTe crystals in an amplified THz time-domain spectrometer Journal Article

Opt. Commun., 270 , pp. 96, 2007.

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Nonlinear excitation kinetics of biased quantum wells. Coherent dynamical screening effect

D Turchinovich; Uhd P Jepsen

Nonlinear excitation kinetics of biased quantum wells. Coherent dynamical screening effect Journal Article

Phys. stat. sol. (c), 3 , pp. 2494, 2006.

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Role of dynamical screening in excitation kinetics of biased quantum wells: Nonlinear absorption and ultrabroadband terahertz emission

D Turchinovich; B S Monozon; Uhd P Jepsen

Role of dynamical screening in excitation kinetics of biased quantum wells: Nonlinear absorption and ultrabroadband terahertz emission Journal Article

J. Appl. Phys., 99 , pp. 013510, 2006.

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Ultrafast polarization dynamics in biased quantum wells under strong femtosecond optical excitation

D Turchinovich; B S Monozon; Uhd P Jepsen

Ultrafast polarization dynamics in biased quantum wells under strong femtosecond optical excitation Journal Article

Phys. Rev. B, 68 , pp. 241307, 2003.

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InAs/GaAs quantum dots as efficient free carrier deep traps

D Turchinovich; K Pierz; P.Uhd Jepsen

InAs/GaAs quantum dots as efficient free carrier deep traps Journal Article

phys. stat. sol. (c), 0 , pp. 1556, 2003.

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Flexible all-plastic mirrors for the THz range

D Turchinovich; A Kammoun; P Knobloch; T Dobbertin; M Koch

Flexible all-plastic mirrors for the THz range Journal Article

Appl. Phys. A, 74 , pp. 291, 2002.

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W Ossau; V P Kochereshko; D R Yakovlev; R A Suris; D Turchinovich; G Landwehr; T Wojtowicz; G Karczewski; J Kossut

Exciton-electron interactions in modulation-doped QW structures Journal Article

Phys. Low-Dim. Struct., 1/2 , pp. 205, 1998.


Trions in quantum-well structures with two-dimensional electron gas

D B Turchinovich; V P Kochereshko; D R Yakovlev; W Ossau; G Landwehr; T Wojtowicz; G Karczewski; J Kossut

Trions in quantum-well structures with two-dimensional electron gas Journal Article

Phys. Solid State, 40 , pp. 747, 1998.

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